Monday, January 4, 2016

The Snowy Arrival, Day 3

Snow has fallen today and the kids are excited. O'rien is ready to hit the snow 2 minutes after waking up and Kian is following suit. Teagan keeps talking about snowflakes and we rush to gather snow clothes. You never know how long it will really snow around this place and the excitement is too high to even bother with breakfast. 

The kids and I head outside for a while and we try to find something to make a sled. We don't have much luck, but they had fun running around. 

We settled on a garbage can lid that you had to push to make it about 3 feet before another push was needed. 

Teagan decided that she didn't like her gloves so she kept taking them off.

She realized that it was a little cold so she started to cry about it. We decided that the 30 minutes outside was probably enough for her. By then Kian was ready to go in for some cartoons and he asked for chocolate milk. O'rien and mommy on the other hand thought coming in for hot chocolate sounded better.

Loyal called a little while later to tell us he had arrived in Vegas at the Santa Fe. He will be staying there for a little while. He also said he had his first invite to a bbq with the boss at work. Not a bad start to day 1 in Vegas. 

I picked up Rhayn from her friends house and she told me stories of her snow adventures for the day too. She said they tied a sled to the back of a car and did circles in the streets. Not sure how safe that really is, but I guess that is just what teens do. 

She later thought it was a good plan to walk outside in shorts to video her brother on the improved sled that he played on with the neighbor. This time it was a boogie board that we found that actually hauled down the hill at turbo speeds. The shorts only lasted a few minutes before realizing how cold it really was. The rest of the night was finished up with mom doing chores and the kids playing video games.


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