Monday, January 18, 2016

Homework Marathon Day

Today was a serious homework marathon. Rhayn had about 7 assignments to complete I think. It felt like the never ending story for math. My brain is a little tired, because I had to learn it all so I could then teach her all of the material. I hope it helps on her upcoming chapter test since we were at it on and off for about 8 hours today. I'm impressed that her attention span lasted long enough to stick with it. She didn't start to completely lose focus until the last assignment when she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. 

Since most of the day was spent on the couch we really didn't get to much else. Teagan did try to feed the dogs their dinner tonight. She thought it was time for them to eat. I had to help her out, but it was sweet of her to try and help. 

O'rien did a little mini workout when we told him if he dropped to the smaller weight division this weekend he would have an easier time beating all of the kids. He thought it was a cool idea. (And don't worry, we aren't starving the kid or making him do something is only 3lbs which is the size of his poop I think for one sitting!) If he doesn't make the weight it isn't really a big deal, but he liked the idea of having an easier time beating the smaller kids. 

We also tested out our egg experiment tonight. We had placed an egg in vinegar a few days ago and so today we took it out to see the results. Rhayn and O'rien tested out the bounce that it had and then we put the egg into some corn syrup for the next part of the experiment. I forgot what they said their predictions were, but I think they are both going to be surprised with the results as long as it works as planned. 

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