Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Today Kian and I took another baby step towards preparing for the move. I feel like I should be kicking it up a notch, but I just haven't been feeling 100%. I hope it goes away soon. We were only able to accomplish going through his drawers to purge out stuff that was too small. We managed to collect an entire box full. The next step will be getting it sorted out into consignment, garage sale, donate and junk it piles. Once we get all of the kids clothes sorted out and into one area I hope I can come up with a method that works quickly. I'm ready to feel like I am actually accomplishing something and like a weight is lifted by purging the house out. It has been so many years since I have uncluttered the junk it is I know it is going to feel good. 

Rhayn made a little progress for recovery today. She was like a zombie still. It was really odd to me. She asked for permission to put on a shirt and starred blankly at me quite a few times. She managed to eat food and drink which was good. Jade came over to visit and so did Tanner. She didn't talk much to them, but I think it made her feel better knowing that her friends were with her. She struggled to get many words out today. It was pretty much like a small child in a lot of ways. Fingers crossed she recovers soon. She ended the night by watching Hannah Montana which I never thought I would see her watch again in my life. I am thinking it must have just been comforting, because she use to watch it religiously when she was younger. She didn't actually even recognize what she was watching when I asked her, but she kept asking if she could just watch one more until it was done. 

The kids also played their new video games tonight. I'm a little worried that they have started to play them, but hopefully I can still keep them interested in other activities at home. They also decided to take pictures on my phone. It was pretty random. 

Those are Kian's toes in case you are wondering. The other pictures were just a blurry mess. It is always interesting to see what they end up taking pictures of. Maybe one day the pictures will be more worth while to look at instead of a lot of blurry images. 

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