Wednesday, May 25, 2016


First day of insanity workout! I think I might have died a little. But, my workout buddies did a good job working out with me! 


The kids and I picked some snacks at the store today. Sometimes a little treat is well deserved since they are pretty awesome kids. 


O'rien went to his friends birthday party tonight. Laser tag for the first time was a success. 

Rhayn practiced some skin makeup today. She used some kitchen cabinet supplies to come up with this...


The kids weren't super successful with snapping a good car picture together tonight. Maybe the next car ride we will get a good one. 


You tube fanatics....maybe we should create a You Tube channel. 

Ready for bed!


More purging...I finally got rid of all the old college spirals. I can't believe I still had so many. Let the junk disappear! 


Sissy has decided that puzzles are lots of fun!